Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Enamel magazine

Magazine with articles and news publications about enameling


Enameling at school Wednesday, December 19, 20120

Enameling at school

Dear Ton,
Herewith some pictures of the enamel party at our school.

Canal house Friday, November 16, 20120

Canal house

Lately I got a card with a moving annoucement in my mailbox.
You can see on the picture within a glimpse that this young couple are very proud on their new home.
It is a beautifull canalhouse to see.
When I was a small kid I  played with friends over there and fished in the canals.
It crossed never in my mind that I would be remembered on this time in such a way.
It is a inspiring source to do something with it.

Bracelet Wednesday, August 1, 20120


Make a bracelet with different colors

Enamel and Etching Monday, July 9, 20120

Enamel and Etching

I attend a course "silversmith" for several years now.
On a day I saw some examples of enamel art.
So I decided to try this out myself.
After some experiments I discovered that transparent enamels get color differenced if the copper has an uneven surface.
This brought me the idea to combine the etching of copper with enamel.

Butterfly 3d enamel art Monday, May 21, 20120

Butterfly 3d enamel art

This art piece is a combination of different techniques.
It is completely different than the creation of a piece of jewelry.
This butterfly shows you how to create in a simple way 3d enamel art.

Ear rings Yogi Bear Saturday, March 3, 20120

Ear rings Yogi Bear

Ear rings with an enamel Yogi Bear

Bolo Wolf head Tuesday, February 7, 20120

Bolo Wolf head

Enamel a wolfs head on fine silver.

Enamel a bowl Tuesday, January 31, 20120

Enamel a bowl

Enamel slope sides.
A bowl in waterman colors.

Name tag Sunday, January 22, 20120

Name tag

Make a enamel house name tag.
Tag this on your front door.

Traffic light Thursday, January 19, 20120

Traffic light

Make a 3d object.

Ton Hermes, Schagen, Netherlands - Phone (+31) 6 41 70 16 42 Terms Of Use Privacy Statement
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