Saturday, July 27, 2024

Enamel magazine

Magazine with articles and news publications about enameling


Handout cold enamel kit Wednesday, July 8, 20150

Handout cold enamel kit

Here some suggestions and instructions what you can do with this cold enamel kit
Instructions Silver Clay Saturday, August 16, 20140

Instructions Silver Clay

Basic instructions to  work with silver clay.

Counter enamel firing rack Wednesday, January 15, 20140

Counter enamel firing rack

Create your own custom made enamel firing rack.

Time table EFCO current regulator Sunday, January 31, 20100

Time table EFCO current regulator

Time table EFCO kilns and temperature controlling device.
Enamel Kilns Friday, January 1, 20100

Enamel Kilns

General information about the various kinds of enamel kilns and devices.
This information can help you to make the right choice between all these devices and enamel kilns.

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