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Bolo Wolf head

Bolo Wolf head

Bolo Wolf head

Enamel Art to wear with proud.

Author: WebMaster/Tuesday, February 7, 2012/Categories: Worksheets

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The package includes:

  • PT278 Bronze Green transparent

  • PT245 transparent ash gray

  • P217 Black

  • Counter enamel

  • Transparent dark grains

  • Copperplate 7.5 cmX10cmX1mm

  • Z133 silver foil


Bolo enamel Wolf 1
I got on the Internet for a nice wolf’s head and printed out.
Fold the shape in the middle.
Now cut it out with the scissors.
Fold it open.
Now you have a wolf’s head with an equal left and right side.
(You can make your own design If you like).
Put the paper onto the copper and mark the surrounding with a marker.

Bolo enamel Wolf 2
Cut the shape roughly with a metal scissor.
Use a file to make the shape neatly.
Sand and degrease the copper.
Spray some degreaser into a bowl and place the silver foil in it.
Spray now some of the degreaser on top of the silver foil.
Let it stand for a minute.
Fill the bowl slowly with water and pickup the silver foil and place it onto a paper towel.
Turn it over so both sides are dry now.

Burn the copper on both sides with transparent or contra enamel.
Fold a sheet of paper in half
Draw the contour of the wolf
Start with the drawing at the edge of the paper.
Place the silver foil in the paper and cut the wolf head with scissors.
You are now in the stage on the right.

Bolo enamel Wolf 3
Place the silver foil on the enameled piece.
Sift a thin layer ash grey on the silver foil.
Not too much, not to less!
Just enough to hold the silver foil at his place.
Burn the art piece for 1 to 1/1/2 minute.
The silver foil is “glued” to the under layer now.

Sift a thicker layer of ash gray.
Start to draw with the wipe out stick.
Clear the eyes, and mark the contours of the head.
Make with the edge the hairs on the side.
See the example on the left.
This is a difficult job.
However, if you are not satisfied then you can clean the art piece and start over again.
So do not worry when things are not to best in the beginning.

Bolo enamel Wolf 4
This is the result of 2 times burning with transparent ash grey enamel powder.
Do not be disappointed, it is just the same as with painting, the details make the difference.
Always finish the art piece!

Make from black enamel powder porridge.
Place on the sides, into the ears, the nose and surrounding of the eyes some enamel.
Just place it roughly.
Do not work to neat, think like a painter.
Let it dry

Use a knife to make some treads in the black.
Let the silver shine to the holes.
Take a drop of the wet transparent green enamel and let it fall into the eyes.
Place into the middle of the eyes a small grain of dark green.
Let it dry again.

Bolo enamel Wolf 5
The wolf head comes out of the kiln like this.
The black spots come to live now.
The transparent green eyes are shining.
The little grains are now nice pupils.
This wolf is looking straight to you.

Now clean the side’s en polish them and you are an art piece richer!

There is enough enamel powder green in the kit to switch colors.
A green wolf with grey eyes.
Do you dare to do this?
Have a lot of enamel fun.

Ton Hermes




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